
A copy of this quetionnaire in Microsoft Word format can be downloaded from the Questionnaire Feedback page.  Completed questionnaires can be left at the Bluebell pub, or at Village Store.



Greenbank Residents Association would like your help in creating a community ‘vision’ for Greenbank Playing Fields.


Please tell us what you think by completing this questionnaire.


 1.      What street do you live on?



2.      What age are you? (please circle)


0 - 9              10 - 19            20 - 39             40 - 59            60 - 79             80+



3.      What gender are you? (please circle below)


MALE                   FEMALE



4.      Do you use Greenbank playing fields? (please circle)


YES                      NO


If YES, please list what you use the park for:



If NO, what would make you use this space?



5.      How do you feel about Greenbank? (please tick box)

















No interested





It could be improved







Other (please state)





6.      Would you like to see any of the following? (tick a maximum of 5 things)









Kissing gates





BMX/Skate park













Running track



Exercise points





5-aside football pitch





Cricket green








More trees





More seating













Over 60’s area



Notice boards





More events





Historical info



7.      Is there anything else you would like to see on Greenbank?






8.      If we were to plant more trees where would you like to see them? (please circle)




Manor Road side





Barlow Road side





In the middle



Broom Lane end





None of the above







Other (please state)



9.      Should Greenbank park be declared as a ‘Village Green’? (amongst other things it would mean that the area could not be built on)


YES                MAYBE                      NO


10. Would you like to be kept updated about Greenbank Residents Association activities, or offer your support and get involved?


If YES, please give us your details:







Email/Phone number:


11. The area to the north of Matthews Lane is called Nutsford Vale.  Would you support it becoming a Nature Reserve?


YES                  MAYBE                    NO